26 Apr Tips For Maintaining Productivity In Employees While Working From Home During Covid-19
Every nation goes through a testing time. This is ours. It’s been a while that your employees might be working from home due to the Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak. Though it has become a new norm, it brings its own challenges including remote collaboration with teams, motivating them for maintaining productivity, expressing empathy during tough times, and understanding the mental health of your employees.
In many countries, employees and business owners have been working from home for a long time now, thanks to technological developments that make remote work possible. However, in the Indian subcontinent, this is pretty new.
Therefore, it is important for us to handle this new transition, so that sooner or later, it becomes the new normal. Some of the tips can be explained below:
Time Management
One of the most important tips could be time management, i.e., follow a work schedule. Set your work hours, encourage them to maintain the same schedule they did when they went into the office. Following a routine will help your workers feel more structured, efficient, and balanced, and it will help keep them focused.
Eliminate Distractions
At home especially, it is definitely possible that employees will experience many disturbances throughout the day. There are many measures that your workers can adopt in order to stay focused like silencing their phones, working in an office-like setup rather than a bed or couch, practice meditation during breaks, and stay away from areas that would otherwise distract them.
Maintain Self-Discipline
In a recent conversation with Global Head-People & Culture, Mr. Jitender Panihar, he said “Whether it is working from home or operating from office, it’s a lot about intent and discipline. We are moving away from the philosophy & thought process wherein we feel work from home can only be aligned to time and flexibility.” He added “Try to contextualize. Don’t try to replicate the routine. Think, innovate then only you’d be able to manage and adapt the existing scenario”. We couldn’t agree more with these words. The productivity definitely has to do with psyche more than the place of operation.
Try To Communicate/Engage More Often With Your Employees
Try to make sure how your employees are doing. You can have informal meetings, talk about happy stuff, and positive things in life.
We, Xane AI, would want to do our bit to help you drive engagement for your employees. With extensive brainstorming and research, we’ve come with a specialized chatbot module focused on identifying the psychological situation of the employees. The model will provide detailed analytics that would enable you to understand their well-being, build collaborative work relationships, and promote trust.