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Employee Feedback AI Chatbot

Xane HR – for Employee Engagement

Candidate Feedback

It captures how candidates feel about the organization once they experience their hiring process. It aims to understand the improvement areas in the recruitment process, and avoid losing on the best talents. Know More


This module aims to shift the tedious onboarding process into paperless and interactive mode. It requires significantly lesser effort and time as compared to the earlier process of form-based onboarding. Know More…

Pulse Surveys

This aims to identify the sentiment of the employees towards the various facets of the organization culture. It is meant to mend the areas of improvement, and increase engagement and retention among the employees. Know More

Exit Interviews

It aims to take the final feedback of the employee before he/she leaves the organization. It is useful for gaining insights about aspects such as the work culture, day to day concerns, processes, workplace ethics and employee morale. Know More…

Xane CX – for Customer Experience

Customer Feedback

It helps to capture customer feedback towards your product or services and gives you chance to improve on your processes. The customer satisfaction tool can be a simple and easy way to maintain the loyalty of your customers. Know More

Customer 24*7 Helpdesk

“A satisfied customers talk to five others, while dissatisfied customers talk to 20 others.” This is a reason enough to understand the importance of handling grievances at the right time. Know More

Market Research

The Xane bot helps you conduct market research through interactive technology which helps to gather candid opinions of the consumers. This comes with real-time powerful analytics which help organizations shape their business decisions. Know More

Customize Your Own Bot

You decide, we make. This might include website bots, FAQ bots, etc.  Know More

Customer Feedback AI Chatbot

Are users ignoring your surveys?

Try talking to them instead of boring surveys!

Industries We Work With

Finance Banking
IT Software